Salon & Spa Institute’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund assists students whose lives have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are pleased to be able to help students who are facing financial challenges and are struggling to make ends meet.
Salon & Spa Institute is distributing emergency financial aid from the CARES Act directly to students for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child-care expenses.
In order to be considered, students must be enrolled in courses at Salon & Spa Institute. Students can apply by requesting an application by email or scheduled on-campus appointment.
Current Student Program Eligibility Requirements
Based on federal guidelines, Dual credit students and students who were enrolled exclusively in an online program on March 13, 2020 are not eligible. Further guidelines from the Department of Education clarified that international students, DREAMers, and DACA recipients are not eligible for CARES Act emergency grants.
Students must fill out an application to be considered. Not all students will qualify. A committee will review each application and aid amounts will be based on need.
Students must submit an application by email or can call the school to make an appointment. In order to determine eligibility, only students who are or could be eligible for Federal Title IV programs will be considered. Students who have not filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) also may receive emergency financial aid grants provided that they meet the criteria to participate in programs under Section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The criteria to participate include but are not limited to the following:
Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program
Be a U.S citizen or an eligible non-citizen
Be registered with the Selective Service if applicable
Have a valid Social Security Number
Must have a high school diploma, GED, or completion of high school in an approved homeschool setting
Be meeting the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Not owe an overpayment (refund) on Title IV grants
Not be in default on a Federal Title IV loan, and
Not have a federal or state conviction for drug possession or sale, with certain time limitations
Each application will be reviewed by a committee and aid amounts will be based on student need. Students eligible for disbursements will receive their disbursement in the form of a paper check to be picked up on campus by appointment.
CARES ACT GRANT Institutional Disclosure
Salon & Spa Institute signed and returned to the Department of Education the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement on April 15, 2020. Salon & Spa Institute intends to use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a) (1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to their students.
The method to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants was based on regulations in Public Law in HR 748 - 116th Congress, 2nd Session, CARES Act, Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, Section 18004, guidance published by the US Department of Education, Office of Post-secondary Education that was posted on May 6, 2020 online at and guidance posted to the Office of Post-secondary Education’s CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund website at The Frequently Asked Questions document posted by the Office of Post-secondary Education states in Answer #4 that “students who were enrolled exclusively in an online program on March 13, 2020, the date of the President’s Proclamation, ‘Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak…are not eligible for emergency financial aid grants” and in Answer #9 it states that “only students who are or could be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), may receive emergency financial aid grants. If student have filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), then the student has demonstrated eligibility to participate in programs under Section 484 of the HEA. Students who have not filed a FAFSA but who are eligible to file a FAFSA also may receive emergency financial aid grants. The criteria to participate in programs under Section 484 of the HEA include but are not limited to the following: US citizenship or eligible noncitizen; a valid Social Security number; registration with Selective Service (if the student is male); and a high school diploma, GED, or completion of high school in an approved homeschool setting.” Accordingly, Salon & Spa Institute has complied with regulations and guidance in processing applications from students it has received.
The method to determine how much each student would receive considered the allocation formula grant funds received by Salon & Spa Institute for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, plans to use no less than fifty percent of the funds received to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s costs of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care), and an estimated number of students who would meet the eligibility guidelines provided by the US Department of Education: Office of Post-secondary Education. Salon & Spa Institute determined the amount of each individual emergency financial aid grant consistent with all applicable laws including non-discrimination laws, has collected information from student applicants, and determined that the initial distribution amount for eligible students would be $400 and the maximum distribution amount will be a total of $1025.00.